A science fiction sitcom prototype

COMRADES is the first ever proper piece of filmic fiction I ever tried to make. It's a prototype for a science fiction sitcom based inside of a living tree building called Henrike, set in the 23rd Century. It is full of ideas for how to try and describe a different kind of Space Opera, where the background world is a shared, positive place - rather than an awful dystopia.
The film is a coming together of lots of my different experiments and research over the last 6-7 years in trying to describe 'utopas*, by which I specifically mean 'positive shared futures'. I made most of the props myself, had the great pleasure to work with a bunch of lovely, talented people and crammed lots of ideas in - maybe too many!

Here`s some blurb about the project:
COMRADES is a science fiction comedy about five characters living inside of a sentient, living building in a positive, shared, care-based utopian future. It is the year 2250. Their lives are made more complicated with the arrival of a package containing a frozen trillionairre from 2049. He wants to gain power, but always finds himself thwarted by the people or the system.
COMRADES is a sitcom pilot about imagining radical solutions to the problems of today. Imagining a future where the problems of today (wealth inequality, climate breakdown, false information, rampant capitalism) are positively resolved, but individuals still struggle with the same old problems – what to do with their life, how to find love, how to navigate power relations.
COMRADES is a show that looks at the world from a perspective that is rarely found in current mainstream entertainment – a positive, shared future.
Here is some additional info about the wonderful people who featured in the film:
STARRING (from left to right in image above):
Kalama Eric Sore, Lea Kronberger, Maximilian Bendl, Alexandra Nedel, Peta Klotzberg, James Brodie, Linda Luse
with COSTUMES by Angelika Daphne Katzinger, MAKE UP by Amanda Burzić, MUSIC by Tom Pegg and SFX by Sebastian Six
Kathi Lackner (voice), Sam Bunn, Xien Zheng, Lena Sophie Knapp, Daniella Odongo, Hess Jeon, Kristin Reiman, Sebastian Six, Lena Humer, Gabriella Gordillo (voice), Mohammed Farhad Hasan, Hansi Raber, Fransziska Wiener and Gerog Pinteritsch
Featuring artworks from Tom Marseiller, Nadja Schütz, Sophie Rieger and Georg Pinteristch
In 2020 Linz imPULS awarded me some money to explore the idea. As usual, I went way over the top, but I figured if I was going to have a go at this idea I should do it properly. I was massively supported by Reini Zach. I wrote the script in 2021, with great support from Jim Howieson and Tom Pegg. Medien Kultur Haus Wels kindly agreed to support the project by hosting us in February 2022. After casting a great bunch of local actors we built a set and filmed there, using the MKH's camera, lighting and computer equipment. We spent most of the rest of 2022 syncing, editing, doing extra shooting, adding special effects, sound effects and so on, until the film was pretty much finished.
The film is currently under consideration at various international festivals.