Reise in die Zukunft
(Journey to the Future)
with Martin Nagl and his class, 2016-17.
Europaschule & DORFTV, Linz. Spring, 2017.
Reise in die Zukunft was a short film project, created with first and second year students from Europaschule, a primary school in Linz. It was initiated by the students' teacher, Martin Nagl, who invited Bunn to make a project related to his current research (eutopia). Together they created a plan to take the students into the future, using their alien alter-ego's, Martu and Samu.

Martu and Samu approached the children in their spacecraft and invited them to travel to the future with them, to imagine what it might be like. Through a series of classroom workshops, drawings, stories and short dialogues were created. The stories were spoken aloud and recorded, the actions were filmed in front of a green screen. The results were edited together by Bunn (unfortunately there was not enough time to involve the children more in this process). What resulted was an action packed adventure story with some beautiful moments, courtesy of the children's ideas, voices and actions. They even succeeded in producing an ending worthy of Hollywood.
The final film was shown to the parents and children at the end of year ' Sommer Fest' and later broadcast on the local TV station.

Martu and Samu in the classroom

Martu and Samu in the classroom